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Grass fed - Grass finished beef is one of the most nutrient-dense proteins you can buy. Cattle are meant to graze on grass, and that is exactly what the cattle at D&D Farms do! Cattle convert grass into nutrient dense proteins naturally and do not need grains in their diet to survive.


It is safe to say that all cattle are grass fed, they eat a forage based diet for the majority of their lives. What sets D&D Farms apart is the fact that our cattle are grass-finished; meaning they only eat a grass/forage based diet their entire life and do not consume grains during any part of their life.


According to several case studies grass finished beef is healthier for human consumption compared to grain finished beef! 


Compared with grain finished beef, grass finished beef is ( use the      to see more information) :


  • lower in total fats (2-3 times lower)

  • higher in beta-carotene (a precursor for vitamin A)

  • higher in vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), the most biologically active form of vitamin E

  • higher in B vitamins thiamin(B1) and riboflavin(B2), these are essential micronutrients that are mainly involved in energy metabolism 

  • higher in minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium

  • higher in total omega-3s, are essential nutrients that are important in preventing and managing heart disease

  • a healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids 

  • higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), one of the only anticancer nutrients derived from meat 

  • lower in the saturated fats, can help lower risk for heart disease​ 


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